Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The Ward 5 Strip Club Saga

As a local resident, I don't think I would like strip clubs in close proximity to my home. I'm not a small business owner, but if I were, I would also not take kindly to the government forcing me to relocate. Here in lies the conundrum of the Ward 5 Strip Club proposal. Club owners were required to move in order to make way for the baseball stadium. But now, citizens elsewhere are rising up to keep them out of their neighborhoods.

It is policy situations such as these that make governing so difficult. Both sides are right. Residents moved to a certain community to maintain a certain quality of life. Businesses operate under the assumption that they will not be pushed around. Who is more important? Local residents or local businesses? Whether one supports strip clubs is really a values argument, but we cannot argue that these clubs are not legitimate businesses. They operate within the law and pay taxes.

Ultimately, the clubs will end up locating somewhere in DC, or the government will be on the losing end of a very large lawsuit. A reasonable solution will depend on skillful negotiations and the active civic engagement of all concerned.


Kris Randolph said...

I think it is imperative to understand any nightclub (sex orientated or not) can be a lot for one neighborhood to observed, must less a strip of them. My friend lives close( a couple blocks) to "Love NightClub" and the issues with parking, late traffic, drunken patrons and the crime that comes with it is sometimes more than any resident can bare. Magnify the issue by practically making a once residential area into a club district.

Tarheelhombre said...

Sorry, but the strip clubs are part of a vibrant city's appeal and cultural vibe. Strip clubs have a constitutional right to exist, and should not have to jump through so many hoops that they are effectively deprived of their right to exist and do business. Besides, DC was world renowned for its hot black male dancers who danced for dudes. Male dancers are a definite financial boon.

Roger said...

2400 Block of WV Ave, MapQuest it with an Aerial Picture. You’ll see that it's commercial & industrial area not a neighborhood of houses or row homes, it also backs up to North Side of Mt Olive Cemetery. IMHO it's an OK spot for the relocated clubs. DC Council forced these clubs to close for the new baseball stadium. A definite sacrifice of the Gay Community. DC Council also promised relocation rights to affected businesses.
Let's get these Clubs back in business in the District!