Sunday, January 6, 2008

The Young Victims of HIV/AIDS

The AIDS epidemic in the District of Columbia continues to gain much attention, and much of the effort to curb its spread is focused on sexually active adults. In many cases, children are victims, as well. Not only can they contract the virus at birth, through transfusions or other means, but many of those who have been spared infection carry the burden of childhood with mothers who are HIV positive. Caring for our youngest victims and educating them in self-protection and prevention is vital to reduce HIV/AIDS cases for the long term.

Last week, I met with Pediatric AIDS/HIV Care, Inc. They are an organization dedicated to mentoring and caring for children under the age of 18 who have been affected by HIV/AIDS. Run by a dedicated and passionate group of professionals, the organization provides day care, after school programs, including art classes and computer training, as well as psychological counseling. They recently purchased a house in Shaw called which is the central location for all of their services.

Caring for children affected by this epidemic helps prevent retransmission, improves self-confidence and reduces the stigma associated with HIV/AIDS. As part of our comprehensive efforts to tame this epidemic, we must focus on the young people who need our help. It is imperative that we support greater funding for HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention programs for children.

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