Monday, April 9, 2007

Schools Part 3 - A friendly reminder

School governance has been on everyone's mind lately. Each person has an opinion on who should be in charge. The Mayor? School Board? Congress? Some combination of the three? As we are debating these, problems persist, and I want to just take a minute to let everybody know that while we are debating, the kids are suffering. Here's an example of what's wrong, as outlined by DC School Board President, Robert Bobb, after he visited a local school:

He talked about school security being so porous that teachers call each other at the end of classes to serve as safety escorts. He mentioned school supplies being borrowed or puchased by the teachers themselves due to budget errors and lack of funds. Facilities were so dilapidated that parts of the classrooms are not in use. His list of issues and concerns observed in one day were so numerous we could not mention them all here. Imagine if you were the student. Imagine if your child had to go to school in these conditions.

One more thought: DC spends more money per pupil than any other school system in the country. Things cannot get much worse. Let's get to work.

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